Beauty Spells

Beauty Spells

Beauty Spells

Many times in life you may feel down by find yourself less beautiful. These do not mean that you are predestined to a life of bluntness. The beauty that lies inside you is the true beauty that can be made notice despite if you can't make it notice by yourself all the times. Each one of us has the beauty imbibed inside us just a beauty spells is required to enhance and activate it. With a help of this beauty spells one will be able to unearth the beauty that has been buried inside you from time. This beauty spells basically works to discover the hidden inside you which will be able to change the opinion of the others that they have built in for you from the past along with the change in your own thinking that you had to your own self.

The power of spells- Beauty spells

Advantages of Beauty spell

If you use this beauty spells then you will come to notice that the people will surely go to turn their attention towards you when they will get encountered with you for the first time. People will see the glow in you which were once allowed to run free. Those people who thought they to be more superior to you will now come to know that you have certainly emerged out to be more competent than them. On the other hand, those people who did not even make a note of yourself before will now start noticing you. This beauty spells is for both men as well as women.

Perpetual Beauty Spell

This beauty spells works in such a way people will let know your true beauty which they have probably over looked from years. Beauty spells is an amazing spell through which not only the outside beauty but the beauty which you have within you comes out with an unexpected outcome. People will not go to praise you're outside beauty but they will also be going to become a big admirer of your inner beauty as well.

You will require the following to perform this beauty spells:

  • Black candle
  • Coconut oil
  • White candle

To start with beauty spells draw out the circle in your altar; now draw the physical circle with the help of sea salt now smooth the white candle in coconut oil and light the candle and place it in the middle of the circle. Similarly, smudge the black candle in the oil and light the candle now place this black candle just below of the white one but outside the circle. Keep yourself focused and keep thinking that your inner beauty is coming out and shinning bright. Keep asking the God and the Goddess to grant you with the brighter beauty both from within and from outside. After doing this blow of the white candle and let the black one complete burnout.

Motivational Spell

This beauty spells is also known to be as Glamour Spell. This is the most effective beauty spells for those who are appearing in the interview, encountering any date or planning to go for a meeting. This Beauty spells work on the principle of a mirror in which your self-confidence in made to increase by inspiring you to feel more confidence about yourself. This spell is supposed to increase your impetus and supremacy to do well in whatever you are going to take into practice.

You will require the following to perform this beauty spells:

  • Mirror
  • Blue candle

Sit in front of the mirror with the lighted candle. Now looking at you in the mirror starts counting 21 times by looking into your eyes, and repeat your first name softly once you finishes with this blow of the candle and feel that the energy within you is increasing and slowly your level of motivation and inspiration is increasing in you and finally stand up with an inspired personality.

Spell for preventing beauty getting fade away

This beauty spells is a special one as it makes use of the food to make you beautiful which is sacrosanct towards the goddess Venus. This beauty spells works well when you need to grace with your presence any meeting or event. To make use of this Spell you need to perform this 3 day prior to the meeting. Usually, this beauty spells works extremely well during the increasing size of a moon. If you want to make the best use of this spell then you must perform this process for about 14 days of the increasing moon cycle rather than only for 3 days.

You will require the following to perform this beauty spells:

  • Seven snow peas
  • Seven cherries

Hold the two in your hands such that snow peas in your right and cherries in your left. Now eat them rotating one after the other. It is considered that the right hand has the knowledge of the known and the left of the unseen. Try this beauty spells for about 3 days before you are supposed to go for an important event.

Radiant Spell for beauty

Those who are blessed with true beauty and coupled with a good health then they must make use of this Beauty spells to make them appear radiant. Orange oil is the most appropriate substance which is been used from years to provide glimmer to the personality. For inner and outer beauty makes use of rose oil. Roses, on the other hand, are the symbol of love and essence of lasting and eternal love.

You will require the following to perform this beauty spells:

  • Rose oil
  • Orange candle
  • Orange oil
  • Pink candle

This beauty spells best works when you start it on a new moon or before a full moon exactly about 9 days. Buy only those candles which can last for 9 days of the spell process. Light these candles in the place where you usually dressed up, normally in front of the mirror of you dressing area. For about 9 minutes focus on yourself in such a way that your features are getting enhanced up and highlighted. Similarly, your flaws in the beauty are getting fade away. Perform this beauty spells of exactly about 9 days.

Weight lose Spell

In this beauty spells, you need to make use of a thread through which you will be supposed to tie knots in such a manner that the thread will get shortened. Now while tying these knots you must keep it in your mind that you are fastening the belt around your waist in such a way that the weight is losing with every single knot. There are all 9 knots that need to be tied to the thread.

You will require the following to perform this beauty spells:

1. One ribbon of bright yellow color

Take this ribbon and tie this as if you are tying it around your waist in the same way as you take your measurement. Now tie 9 knots on it and while tying the knots make sure that you repeat the desired weight losing mantra, such you stop overeating, you start exercising more, you lose 7, you start hydrating more, you eat fat-free food etc.

Spell for Inner beauty Shine

As the old probes go "beauty comes from within". The most scientific fact behind this beauty spells is that the person who drinks a lot of water has a shinning and glowing skin. This spell provides the beauty on both the front that is on the physical as well as metaphysical wisdom and keeping up the glow. A Rose quart is supposed to be the special element that belongs to the sacred goddess of love that is Venus. It is the semi-precious gem. When this stone is made to dip in water the positive energies start evolving from you and the beauty start making its way and fading your flaws and washing them away from you with the water.

You will require the following to perform this beauty spells:

  • Distilled water
  • Rose quarts
  • Sea salt

Now take the rose quarts and rub the quarts with the salt and cautiously rinse it every night. You are basically performing it to purifying your personal aspects. You must ensure that the quart is not connected with other energies. The next step is to fill one glass with the distilled water. Now keep the rose quart in your hand and imagine for a while about the beauty you want to have and then slowly drop that quart into the water and then sleep well. The next wake up and drink that water completely, repeat this until you see the result.

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